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Anchor Super Colts

Venue : Antonio Da Silva High School, Dadar (West)
Date : 7-8 October, 2017
Details : Click Here

Sportobuddy unveils the Anchor Super Colts Championship, a power-packed football tournament for all budding footballers in Mumbai. The tournament was hosted on the 7th & 8th of October at Urban Sports Zone, Dr. Antonio Da Silva High School, Dadar (West), Mumbai - 400028, in the esteemed presence of the co-founders, Sandeep Madhavan and Sunil Kukadia. The tournament witnessed the presence of 300+ participants. Teams were classified across four age groups namely U8, U10 in 6x6 format, U12, U14 in 7x7 for boys and an open U15 in 7x7 for girls, all playing against the best football talent in the city.

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